"A Woman's Place"
What is a woman's place in this world? We seem to have determined it to be nowhere in particular, as long as it's as good as or better than a man's place. We are determined to compete favorably in the world men made for us to compete in. Against them. In their world: their creation. Where we do not belong, don't fit. No matter how we try to make ourselves fit into man's world, it's not a true fit, regardless of how financially successful we become. We were made to lead and nurture young ones. Our bodies show the proof of that, whether we like it or not.a
What women should be doing, instead of competing in man's world, is doing our best to remove his world from the face of the Earth. Nothing about it is good for any of us, man included. He's only deluded himself into believing he's "the superior species"...including a sincere and heartfelt superiority over women, who were cloned from a rib taken from original man. They must still believe that crap, right? Otherwise, what would give them the balls to look down on the truly, obviously superior species : woman? There can be no doubt, despite willful blindness to the facts for thousands of years.
When once species is perfect except for having a bone missing from their rib cage, and another species comes along almost immediately after which has a perfectly formed whole rib cages, the last species to develop is obviously the superior species. Add to that the fact that nothing men have done to "improve" Earth has actually improved any part, even a microscopic part, of a place that was perfect. Perfect. Men of science will tell you "Nothing is perfect; there is no such thing as 'perfect'". When considering man made, they're absolutely correct. However, before man's imagination took control, there was perfection in the Earth, in "Zion". The only evidence against that fact is man made, and therefore suspect. If women have learned nothing else about men in all these thousands of years they've held control over us, surely we have learned that they won't hesitate to lie to support "The Brotherhood". "Bros before hos, man!"
Am I wrong? Am I lying? Am I confused in my thinking? Or am I simply stating the facts about men? We're used to it being this way, because it has been this way for thousands of years, since the dawn of time, in fact. It doesn't really matter at what precise point that happened, doesn't matter how old/ancient humanity is, doesn't matter when slavery began. What matters is that it happened, and women have been living in a form of slavery right from the "beginning", whenever that was. What matters more now is that if it doesn't cease ,it will destroy all of humanity, even those of the future, because they will be born dying, all of them. If we let them continue in their way of destruction, there will be nothing left for us to be supported by. Earth is a mother who has supported her children from the very point of their creation in the minds of their parents. From the time when newly married couples planned their futures, predicting how many children they would have, their Mother Earth has already begun to provide for those unborn children. Believe it or not. And you better believe this : Just like your own mother can be overworked to the point of dying young, so can our original Mother. Just as our bodies can be poisoned by what we eat, drink, and smoke, so can Hers. Just as women can overproduce until their body can't survive another childbirth, so can Earth be made to overproduce until it is not healthy enough to produce good food that nurtures the body, instead of inferior food that poisons the body because it's been "fertilized".
You think I'm some old crackpot who smoked too much weed. The day will come when you will see that it wasn't I who was full of crap.
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