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Welcome. Here you will find explanations of the Bible that  you have never considered.  Before you judge, apply just plain common sense to whatever seems impossible to accept as Truth.  That is all I seek to show you  : Truth that Leads to All Truth, for the Spirit of Truth has come, just as Jesus prophesied.

"Again : The Prayer"

No matter how men twist His words

To suit their own ideas

About what God told us to do;

His words will remain His.

His chosen sheep still hear His voice,

No matter how men chatter,

And preach, and pray, With their Own Words,

We hear the Voice that matters :

The One who taught us how to pray

Acceptably to Father...

He meant exactly what He said :

"Use these words, and no others."

The Prayer, as it should have been translated, and perhaps was, except men who follow those who tell the exact truth will often twist that truth to suit their own we all know :

Our Father, there in Heaven :

Our Mother, here in Earth :

Hallowed be THY names;

THY will be done in Earth,

As it is in Heaven.

Give us, THIS day,

Our DAILY bread,

And forgive us OUR trespasses against YOU,

If WE forgive those who trespass against US.

LEAD us, not INTO temptation,

But DELIVER us from evil,

For Thine IS the kingdom.

THINE is the power, and

THINE is the TRUTH (Glory),

Forever, and EVER...the TRUTH.

"Snake In The Road"

"This generation shall not pass,

'Til all things be fulfilled."

What could Jesus have meant by that?

You'll learn, if you sit still.

Each generation man has named

Has been a part of One :

One generation of "mankind"

Described by God's own Son.

Everlasting Life. That's reincarnation in it's most basic form : the planet's ability to create, sustain, and perpetuate life, in an everlasting cycle. Renewal of the physical, as well as spiritual renewal. Every time an infant is born, a spirit is renewed...born again, into a new body. The world of the Religious refuses to acknowledge it, to admit to a Higher Power who actually has the ability to do this, to send spirits into bodies of flesh. Literally. The religious keep speaking of "spiritual" meanings that man is not permitted to know yet. Bullshit. The knowledge is fairly simple, once you suspend your absolute faith in religions, and agree to follow the leader when you're studying, when you're trying to establish a personal relationship with God. That kind of thing will never work unless it's one-on-One....just you and Him, going through His Word together, without interference or advice from anyone else. If you can read, you can use a dictionary. If you've got the guts to use one, and to learn what Biblical names mean, you stand a good chance of meeting up with God in there.

Men pulled God's sheep away from the Path chosen for them, and broadened it into a major road...a broad road that reaches across countries, across oceans. All over the globe, people are worshiping a false god, believing they are worshiping the true God, the God of Abraham. The strait and narrow path still exists. To find it, all you have to do is settle down and read a GOOD BOOK.

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