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"All Around Us"

Updated: Mar 19, 2024

I believe there really are angels all around us, some who we see, and others who never reveal their presence except by way of the miracles they perform that save us. "For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone." Twice in my life I've had the truth of that proved to me. The first time was when everybody around me believed I'd gone crazy, and I stood in my living room, making a "proclamation", if you will. I don't recall what I said, but I do recall falling straight backwards and landing on the floor. The thing was, once the fall began, I floated down and landed with a tiny thump, not even feeling the impact at all. It was as if I drifted to the floor. That was in the late nineties or early two thousands. The next time was the fall of 2022, when the handrail on my front deck gave way with me when I leaned on it. As I fell, I relaxed completely, and even my man said it looked like it happened in slow motion. It did. I drifted to the ground, settling nearly five feet below the floor of the deck. Twice, angels caught me when I fell. I can't count the people I've known who walked away from horrific accidents, with not a scratch on them, and the same thing happened both times I fell. There wasn't so much as a bruise, either time. That's the work of our angels, protecting us from physical harm. Sometimes they come to us in the form of "strange" people, people who for no apparent reason will attach themselves to a person's life and during the course of the involvement, prevent that man or woman from doing something that would have resulted in serious injury or death. They guide us out of "sticky" situations, times when, if not for their influence, we might have become involved in a criminal act, without even being aware that we're doing anything wrong. Angels are a powerful force in the world, but their power is diminished when faced with people who have no belief, no faith in a God who would literally send invisible spirits into their lives to make sure they stay safe from all harm. Nobody believes that anymore, not the average man or woman, at least. The time for belief is now, because we are in the year 2024, and for thousands of years we have depended on humanity to get us out of the mess our ancestors got us into, and which we have indolently refused to get out of ourselves. If we don't believe in God to save us, who do we have? Human leadership only makes the situation worsen more and more each year. The angels have a hard time helping us, when we continually deny their existence in our lives. Believe. If you're Christian, remember that it was an angel who told Elizabeth and Mary both that they would bear sons : special sons. Angels haven't died. Belief, true belief and acceptance of angels and their powers : that is what has died.


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