"Back to God" : Randy Houser
Randy Houser is a country music singer. One of his songs is called Back to God.. I can agree with nearly everything he says in that song, except for one line : "We're still worth saving." Randy, son, when we all finally realize just who and what God is, I fear that there will be none worth saving; in today's world, there might be a handful, but even that is in doubt.
Has everyone in the world forgotten God? Randy's song says we have to give this world back to God. God didn't create the world, Randy; humans made their world, to stand over and above and beneath what God made. God made a planet, not a world. We made that word up, and pretended that it was God's word. The planet was a Whirl of perpetual life, not a World of death and destruction. You can bet that if it causes harm to the living, mankind made it. If it causes health, life, and peace, God made it. It's as simple as that.
Man's way is the way whose end is death. It is not, and never has been, even to the smallest degree : God's Way.
Have you never thought of God as a Mother? As a Grandmother? As any form of Female? No, you have not, because you have been programmed to believe only in "Him". Picture a couple in love, who marry and start a family. A man's contribution is tiny, compared to what a woman contributes to creating a human life. We were created in God's image; both male and female were created to be just like God. The "breath" of God is comparable to a man's semen. Earth, Herself, did all the hard labor...just like when human babies are made.
Because we forget what words mean, we haven't considered that one of the definitions of the word : image is : the general impression that a person, organization, or product presents to the public, as in, "she strives to project an image of youth".
The word : imagination comes from the root word : image. You can imagine a concept. You can imagine that you have God's approval for your lifestyle. That's a good word to describe our way of life...our "style" of living...man's "way of life." that kills the living, and I don't mean just humans. Anything that breathes and moves is living. You can imagine, picture in your mind, any damned thing you want to, but it won't profit you in the long run, because most of what mankind has imagined, he has brought into his world of creations and inventions, manufacturing products he "dreamed up/imagined".... imagining that God is proud of him for being so clever,and such a "genius." Nothing in your imagination, no thing that you dream up and produce, none of it will save you when your god is displaced by Almighty God, whose essence is both Mother and Father., male and female.
Sit yourself down and be still and think. Think of any and all creations/inventions of man/woman, and tell me which one of them is good for the planet, and therefore good for us...something that extends our lifespans into infinity...something that keeps us absolutely safe from harm caused by diseases......anything that genuinely improves the quality of life....anything that makes life last forever. Name it.
We are the people who rejected/reject God. We refuse to believe anything that makes common sense about God or Creation, or the Bible. We choose instead to believe confused priests, preachers, ministers, scientists.....until we don't. Even mankind's "wise men" have been telling us, over and over, to "STOP!" Not just to slow down, but to stop what we're doing, and clean the place up. The COVID-19 government shutdown proved that the planet is capable of cleaning up what we've done, for the most part, because when traffic virtually stopped for that year, the air became perfectly clear over cities all across the country. Trafficking means to deal or trade in something illegal. We haven't figured out that our wheeling and dealing is against GOD'S laws and ordinances. Ahh! Think about THAT for a while, and consider your ways of doing things, on GOD'S "property".
No, we're not worth saving, and it's God's Truth that our species may not survive itself. We blame God for "natural" disasters that we have brought on ourselves by our mistreatment and mismanagement of the planet that feeds us.
No, Randy, the world, and the people who cling to it are not worth saving. Not by a long shot.
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