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Welcome. Here you will find explanations of the Bible that  you have never considered.  Before you judge, apply just plain common sense to whatever seems impossible to accept as Truth.  That is all I seek to show you  : Truth that Leads to All Truth, for the Spirit of Truth has come, just as Jesus prophesied.

"Family Ties"

They are the parents of the Universe, our Mother and Father in Heaven, and so far above our reach that we will never see Their faces. We should be so far below their notice as to be nearly nonexistent, yet they notice us. They watch our every move, and read our every thought. They speak to us as "Consciences", as the niggling little thought, the worm of guilt that won't stop wriggling until you mend your ways....that's God talking to you, either in the persona of a mother or a father, and sometimes there seems to be another voice chiming in, as if Both are speaking into your thoughts. Sometimes, One or Both will urge you to act, never in violence, never to get yourself imprisoned, but perhaps to do something you've never considered doing before. These can be life changers, these moments between you and God, that you might not even be aware of having, because you thought all of your ideas came from within your own well of knowledge, and that only you were in charge of your destiny.

You are in charge, or have the ability to be in charge of your own fate, but fate and destiny are two different things. You can be fated to do something, or be a certain kind of man, by bloodlines, by what is in the history of your family's blood, or by some version of "ill" or bad luck, if you believe only in the god of Luck, or by somebody else's actions and their influence in your life. Some people are "fated" by what seems to be "love." That's Fate, but fate can be overcome by your decisions in life. If you make up your mind, truly, to never be influenced by your family history, you can take control of that part of your fate. You can choose to change your fate.

Destiny is all that is supposed to happen in your life, in order for you to get the most fulfillment from living. If you are fated to try and change your destiny, it's up to you to change your fate.

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