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Welcome. Here you will find explanations of the Bible that  you have never considered.  Before you judge, apply just plain common sense to whatever seems impossible to accept as Truth.  That is all I seek to show you  : Truth that Leads to All Truth, for the Spirit of Truth has come, just as Jesus prophesied.

"God's Children"

Updated: Nov 4, 2023

Before our babies become our babies, they are already God's babies. They are all His children, long before they come to Earth and become human children. We have long been convinced, those of us who believe in God, that our children are His gifts to us. That's not precisely true. The act of creation is the gift; the child that results from the act is not a permanent gift that we can keep with us forever simply because it "belongs to us." You've heard that diamonds are the gift that keeps giving. Babies are the gift that, at some point in the future, must be returned. We do it all the time, without realizing what we're doing.

When you send your progeny out into the world, you're handing back the baby God trusted you with. The spirit He permitted to come from Heaven is living in the body of the child you raised, and how he or she deals with the world will be based on what they have learned from you, from being a child in your care. Out there in the world, away from you, the only real protection a child has is God. The protection your adult child will have is what you have taught them about survival and success in dealing with the life of the world, and, if he or she is a believer in the Truth of God, they have God's protection as well. It is a parent's job to know the truth about God, and to pass that truth to their children. You can't learn this truth from another human being telling it to you. A way was provided for you to know this truth. The way is along a very crooked path that runs through the minds of many men and women, people whose thoughts were recorded for posterity, as they say. All of these "thoughts" were gathered into writings that eventually were compiled into what is called the Holy Bible. I don't know all of the variations; I am only familiar with the King James version. I know the truth is in that book, because that's where I found it. It was time for somebody to find it.

Consider these three scriptures, from Ecclesiastes, Zechariah, and Matthew :

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."

"For who has despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth."

"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For truthfully I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.".

We keep time. We measure it out and we buy and sell it, and we're always trying to beat the clock or "save" time. I don't think we've ever really thought for more than a minute or two about how God "keeps" He "saves" it for rainy days...and how He has it measured right to a nanosecond, and nobody's considered that He is so brilliant that He can mark a moment...not a year, month, or a day, but a "moment" that the human mind can't measure... when one tiny detail will settle into place, and all Hell will break loose. He plans ahead for millions of years. He knew us all before we were conceived as humans, because He's the one who conceived the idea of humans. When God directed Solomon as the Preacher, He already knew what we would do to the planet, and He gave us fair warning. Every purpose means every single thing God "purposed" to do...all that He said He would do...all of the terrible threats He made against us, if we disobeyed. And we disobeyed. So the threats will be fulfilled.

God gave us Law. Every word that came from Him through the mouths of the prophets was LAW. We were given ten basic rules, yes, but every word God uttered was and is the law. Have you not heard the expression : "His words were the law."? About your grandfather, perhaps? Or your grandmother? If God proclaimed it, that made it a law to be obeyed. Period.

Do you understand what Zechariah meant by "the plummet"? A plummet line is a line that is dropped from above and allowed to become perfectly still, until it settles at the bottom, on the precise point it is meant to mark. Imagine a plummet line, dropped by the Lord from Heaven, aimed at one person, and the thoughts carried in that direct line from God actually flow into the mind the Lord has decided to utilize in spreading the messages He wants us to receive. In what we refer to as Biblical times, that person was called a prophet of God. The thing is, God does not change the way He does things; His methods of contacting humans and interacting with them have never moved "one jot, or one tittle" from the first moment they were established, and His ways will never change to suit the ideas man-king has of how the Lord goes about His business. He has always been able to select one person, one mind among billions to do His work here. His intelligence and His power have always been that immense. He said that Earth is His footstool. Imagine the dimensions of a God who uses a planet to rest His feet on, and then imagine the size of the "brain" in such a Being. Imagine the Power.

We have forgotten who and what God is, if we ever knew. The man recognized as His only "begotten" son gave us all the information we need to find the rest of the Truth in the Bible, and in the world we live in. Much of what He had to say is in "parables"..."similitudes"...similar situations that He related in mysterious words that I'm sure were hard for even His disciples to puzzle out. That's what you have to do; you have to solve the puzzles in the Bible if you want to know the Truth that leads to all truth....all the truth you need to know about God's "Plan". It's a mystery; mysteries aren't supposed to be solved for us; we are supposed to solve them for ourselves, particularly in the Bible. "God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform." That's not a Bible quote; it's a modern "proverb", a wise saying about God, in the form of an opinion. It's not in the Bible, but the meaning of it is. Isaiah 55. God's ways are not our ways; more to the point, our ways are not His ways, although they should be. We are supposed to be emulating His ways, in detail. First, you have to understand Him, and the only way you can do that is to read His book. He established a language derived from every language...the English language is salted and peppered with words from other nations, from people who had no knowledge of us, and of whom we had no knowledge. Over time, people ran to America, and still do, because we believe in God, and the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 55. Remember, Isaiah was a prophet, a holy one in his lifetime, who was given knowledge of future events, of future people. I believe Isaiah referred to Jesus there, because Jesus has fulfilled that prophecy by becoming the Being, the One who is invisible, the Spirit of Holiness that calls people from all nations, and brings them together in one the "latter" days. Later, in the future. That's what latter means; not now, but later/latter. The spelling of words can be a mystery in itself. Differently-spelled words have the same meaning in the English language. Words spelled exactly the same, and pronounced the same, can have a variety of definitions, sometimes opposing each other. English is a mystery language. Most of us might think the word "jot" means to quickly write something down on paper, never realizing that it also means very very tiny...a "small thing", a seemingly minor point being made, in words that don't mean much of anything. Every word that proceeds from the mouth of God is important to note, because some of the things He told the prophets to "just casually mention, then move on"were vital pieces of information that we need if we are to survive as a species. If you don't care, if it doesn't bother you that your descendants (the ones you believe you will never see or know) will become extinct from thirst, starvation, and disease, you likely won't feel the need to search for proof that I misunderstood what the Bible says.

Jesus meant what He said. Not one jot or tittle, not even a little, casual suggestion that God made will be seen as a lie, a false prophecy, a misunderstanding or miscommunication. It will all be done, as the Lord commanded. A threat from God is a command; the two go hand-in-hand. No longer can anyone in this country claim that the means of knowing the truth from God's mouth was unavailable to them, not unless they've been held in slavery here.

Jesus continues to fulfill prophecy. His Spirit is very much alive, and is moving now across this land, overseeing and encouraging, still looking after the Flock. The words He spoke came from God. Look in the Book and you'll find that His words stand forever, even after we all become extinct and Earth has passed away. That's because God's words come from the Holy Spirit, Who has never died, and will never die. As He once told us, "I have other sheep you know not of." Earth isn't the only inhabited planet They created. Yes, Aliens are real.

Our children belong first to God, Who permits us to have the experience of creating and nurturing intelligent life, another human. It's up to us to prepare them to face the world, when their time comes to be "adult". When we send them out into the world away from us, we are turning them over to God, giving back the child who is now considered capable of surviving, of thriving out there. It's good that God will be there for them, because He is the only Person with that kind of power.


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