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Welcome. Here you will find explanations of the Bible that  you have never considered.  Before you judge, apply just plain common sense to whatever seems impossible to accept as Truth.  That is all I seek to show you  : Truth that Leads to All Truth, for the Spirit of Truth has come, just as Jesus prophesied.

"Our History"

Wisdom gave birth to a Universe. Her children are the Galaxies, with all that they contain. Earth is her Daughter, and I believe our Father's name for her is Zion. Imagine a womb large enough to contain a Universe; that's how enormous Wisdom is; that's her Power. Earth's children are Wisdom's grandchildren, and we are supposed to learn from her, in the way we sit at a grandmother's or grandfather's knee, listening to their experiences and gleaning wisdom about life from them. Wisdom's words are written down for all to see and know. Few bother to look. I know; I was one of the masses who doesn't open the Bible, believing there was no God to go to. I was let down by the religious interpretation of God, so I decided there was no God. That interpretation of God is skewed in favor of mankind and all his dreams of glory, and his desire to "conquer the world" when what he really means is to conquer the living, breathing habitat we call Earth. His main goal seems to be to take Her down to bare bones before finally admitting that he isn't God. Of course, by then it will have been too late to save the ninety percent of the population who won't survive the holocaust that is the human male. I'm aware that women also take part in the destruction, but as the Lord or Lady said, "I will not punish my daughters, for themselves have been separated with whores." Separated from God, from both Mother and Father God, because our men went whoring after another God, other than our Father, and of course, other than our Mother, who we forgot long, long ago. Tossed Her aside like a worthless garment, an old pair of shoes no longer wanted. If only they had known that She is the only pair of real shoes they had, the only ones made of absolute Truth. When a real God tells you something, you can bet it's the honest truth, and you can know that what you hear coming from God can save you in a far more practical way than Christianity's offer to "save your soul." The way souls are referred to in the Bible, you can tell that God considers that word suitable for describing both physical bodies, and the spirits who reside in those bodies...why would our Father direct people to go out and gather in the spirits He made, and bring them to His house every Saturday or Sunday? When will we stop thinking God needs our help? The only help our Father needs from us is our obedience. Our Mother needs our respect, which has been sadly lacking in the past few hundred years. I can speak for that era of time because I see the results of their sins all around me. Before five hundred years ago, I don't think much harm had been done to the planet by the people who were supposed to be Her caretakers. In those days, parents here on Earth were respected, grandparents honored and revered. Family still mattered above all things. Children were a gift from our Mother and Father, and that gift was never abused.

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