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Welcome. Here you will find explanations of the Bible that  you have never considered.  Before you judge, apply just plain common sense to whatever seems impossible to accept as Truth.  That is all I seek to show you  : Truth that Leads to All Truth, for the Spirit of Truth has come, just as Jesus prophesied.

Star Gazing

That's just what I did tonight, stepped out onto the back porch and stood there looking up into the night. I've always wanted to go out to Montana, or Colorado, or Wyoming and stargaze. It takes my mind a long time sometimes, to get to the point, and for years it just never occurred to me that the reason you can see so many millions of stars out West is because there are no artificial lights there to interfere with your view of Nature. I think most of us see Nature as whatever isn't man made here on the planet, but I see the Universe as Nature, with us just a tiny part of it. We were given so much beauty to enjoy in Nature, and I can't, for the life of me, understand what need there was and is in mankind to destroy such beauty and replace it with rot. All of our products decay, even glass and plastic. In our world, nothing remains pristine as in the instant it was completed. Everything we create depreciates in value, regardless of economical issues. "Great Art" begins to deteriorate before the paint is dry. Good luck trying to build something that regenerates every year. Like grass. Trees. Flowers. Water. Life. We make dead things. We have the audacity to refer to upholstery as "natural" leather, when there's nothing natural about it. Nothing "genuine" either. Genuine denotes real, and there's nothing "real" about a dead animal; it becomes something unreal and unnatural when it is slaughtered. Wholesale slaughtering of animals, regardless of the species, was never part of the Plan God made for us. People keep referring to God's plan without specifying about any part of it, as if it isn't known to us yet, as if the Plan might have been what Christ referred to when He told His disciples He had more to tell them that they could not bear with yet. The Plan is set down in writing, although it has been tampered with from the beginning. That, in the end, didn't matter, since enough of the Truth is scattered throughout to piece together what God intended us to do, how He expects us to live. He never set us against Nature, for Nature is our Mother, and married to Him.

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