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The Devil's Devious Mind

Updated: Aug 10, 2023

The devil can't get into your mind unless you open the door. Opening the door to Satan might involve more than you think. If you believe that going to church is what you do if you want to be saved from temptation, you're mistaken. The "church" is a temptation. The church that Jesus left behind was a group of people. There were no buildings involved. There was never a need to build a great big structure for God's people to meet for worship. God is against "churches".

Believing in any man to explain God to you...that's an open door for the devil. Once you let him/her in, your very thoughts can be controlled, simply because the door is open to influence by the spirits who serve Satan. We seem to have forgotten a few scriptures. In this instance, it's the relating of when a spirit stood before God's Throne and volunteered to come to Earth and become a lying spirit in the mouths of the king's prophets. Spirits live. The spirits, the angels who fell from Heaven with Satan, when he got kicked out...those are his followers, and they are one third of the angels that used to be in Heaven. A full third followed Satan. They still exist, and when Satan goes to stand before the Throne, as he routinely does, he finds out how much harm he's allowed, now, to cause mankind to bring on himself, besides the atrocities he's already talked us into....just like it says in the scriptures. It doesn't matter if you're Jew, Greek, man or woman, the scriptures pertain to you, to your life. You are susceptible to lying spirits; in fact, you can become a liar, yourself, by believing and repeating the words you hear from a man or woman who is actually speaking for Satan, whether they're aware of it, or not.

That's how spirits work: they literally enter inside your mind as thoughts, that you never considered before. They speak for the "host"...the person who, again, literally... permits an invisible spirit to take up residence in their body, and speak the words that spirit chooses to speak....only, it's you doing the talking, so whatever words come out, you will be credited with, to either be blamed, or praised, according to whatever results your words bring about.

The only way to know what God expects, demands of you, personally, is to pick up that Holy Book, and study it on your own. The Books God had written are the Manuals we are supposed to live by, each Holy Book to it's own people, in their own language. Why learn another man's language, and read another people's holy writings? If they are meant for you, they will be written in your language, in the language of the country where you were conceived, where you are "native", and the only people intended to study that Holy Book, that ancient manuscript, that holy man's accounts....written solely for your benefit, and for the benefit of your nation...your people. That is the only way to true and complete understanding of what your real reason is for being here, your true purpose in life, and your value, if any, to God's kingdom here. It is the road to enlightenment, laid down for all of us to travel, but so far, the majority...the vast majority has refused.

As Jesus told his disciples, they weren't his only people; he had "flocks" they weren't aware of, in other places. All of his flocks were provided with a holy book. Today, all of those books are available to the masses. Everybody is allowed to read their own holy writings, now, aren't they? I really can't speak, specifically, for any country other than the United States of America (what a joke; united, my aching ass.), so I'm not positive, but it seems the "gospels"......the truths of all "gods"/"Gods" are available even to residents of refugee camps. China might not make their holy writings available to the public...I really don't know. I do know that whatever is known in this country is also known in every "civilized" nation in the world. Everybody's spying on America, wanting to know every detail of our lives. It stands to reason, with the web, that all people have had access to the written texts that profess to be from their God(s).

Whoever your deity is, you'd better start getting to really know him/her/them, because there's some vital information in your Book, that you need to know.

If this world stands beyond the year 2300, it will be because God is truly "dead" to us. No longer will our prayers be answered, for they won't even be heard. The way it stands today, Satan obviously has control of my country, because we have a firm hold on the life of Satan's world, and we don't want to let it go. We don't want to be natural; we want to be "normal", never realizing that Satan has become "the norm" in this this world.

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