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Welcome. Here you will find explanations of the Bible that  you have never considered.  Before you judge, apply just plain common sense to whatever seems impossible to accept as Truth.  That is all I seek to show you  : Truth that Leads to All Truth, for the Spirit of Truth has come, just as Jesus prophesied.

"Tidy Lies"

Back and Forth we Travel.

When I'm "In" you're "Out."

We're trying to Unravel

A Mystery, No Doubt.

When truthful Spirits gather,

They lie from me to you...

Revealing all that Matters;

They're leading to the Rue.

The "Rue" in all is Sorrow;

The ever-rising Well

Of bitterness we Borrowed;

Agreed to serve in Hell.

When we attempt to Cover:

The Truth with Any lie

That's harmful to Another,

We find that Bye and Bye...

The truth commences Squirming,

And burning in the Pit

Of memories we're Spurning :

Recalling us : To Wit :

"You know you told a Story,"

The little squirmer sighs;

"Twill undermine your Glory,

Until you let it Rise."

"Confess your sins before men"....or women, as the Case May Be.

When you're basically an honest person, a lie just won't rest in your belly. It will keep upsetting your balance, interfering in your life, giving you heartburn...until you confess. It was only a small lie, but it burned in my belly for 10 years before I told my mother, "Mom, that time I was accused of smoking a cigarette with Barney in the church basement? I did that." She said, "I already knew that." I said, "I know that, but it's been burning my stomach up ever since I told it, and knowing that you knew didn't help a bit. I had to say it to your face." That's how long a lie can affect your life, even when you're not called out on it. Best to just confess and get it over with.

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