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Welcome. Here you will find explanations of the Bible that  you have never considered.  Before you judge, apply just plain common sense to whatever seems impossible to accept as Truth.  That is all I seek to show you  : Truth that Leads to All Truth, for the Spirit of Truth has come, just as Jesus prophesied.

"Trails of Tears, Lies, Mistakes and Regrets"

"These people do not value life; they hold nothing sacred, not the lives of their children, their mates, their animals, their land, nor their water. What do we do with such evil children? We are all children of the Spirit, who called us "My People," so we became the people, but in time, we forgot. What do we do now, now that all of the People have chosen a new name for us to be known by? Will the Spirit not forget us, since we have forgotten who we are? Will our Mother and Father not recognize us, now that we have changed our name? When we accepted being called Native Americans, was that not the final step in losing our heritage forever? What must we do to become strong People again?"

"Confess. Do not all of the tribes know the moment in which they began to shed blood to possess land? Do they not recall when they began, again, to mark the land, to measure it and say, "Mine!"? Do they perhaps recall the time when they took new names for their "individual" tribes...after being commanded that they be known only as People? When the people admit their own guilt in the matter of the white man possessing the land, then, the land might have a prayer."

If the land survives, the people survive. it's as obvious as 2+2=4. Healthy people cannot grow in a diseased environment. Our lands are filled with a sickness that cannot be healed by man's medicine. Righteousness is all that will save us and our land. To be in the right, in the way in which we conduct our lives; that is what will save us from destruction as all-compassing as the Flood. The time for being self righteous is at an end; we can no longer afford to be "little-miss/mister-can't-be-wrong". Earth can't afford to wait any longer; if She does, it will amount to suicide, which is something neither Mother or Father will countenance. Yes, both Father and Mother try to lead us and guide us. Our Father, the only one we have, resides "out there" what we call "Heaven." Our Mother lives here, in what we call "Earth", taking away the name our Father gave Her. If you let the Spirit of Truth guide you, it's not hard to figure out what He named Her. If you want to strike real gold in the Bible, it takes some digging, more digging than the preacher on Sundays. You won't find the truth there by yourself; the only way to find it is to let the Spirit lead you to it. It's a long trip, that journey Jesus takes you on. As you travel, you will meet other Spirits. Wisdom is one. Father is one. Jesus is one. Satan is one. Samuel is one. Isaiah. Jeremiah. These spirits were alive before the Bible was ever thought of, before the first writing by man's hand was ever attempted. They have been alive forever, and most of them will never die. For Satan and his followers, it looks like death. It's looking like for the first time in history, souls are going to be destroyed, the spirits who will not ever bow to the greatness that is God. It's not clear how long the war between Heaven and Hell has been ongoing, but it is clear that on this planet, it is soon to end. Her condition in today's world was written in prophecy, thousands of years ago : "Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord hath spoken. I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider. Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger; they are gone away backward. Why should ye be stricken any more?ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart is faint, From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment. Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers."

That's a portrait of America today; that is the condition our land is in. Little to nothing has been done to restore the land, once we've gotten what we desire from it. So you plant a few pine trees to replace the hardwoods you took down....admit that you plan to also cut down those pines once they've grown tall enough. You're not restoring anything like what you took. Damn you all, for what you have done to our Home.

We have become possessed by possessions, when the only true possessor is The Lord, our Father, and Nature, our Mother. We have caused severe damage to be done to the body that contains the Spirit of Life, Everlasting life, life that goes on and on and on, IF it's not tampered with, and is left unmolested, in order for it to do what it was created/designed to do. "....they (my children) are gone away backward." We turned, at some point in ancient history, faced ourselves away, showed our backs to our Father, and set our hands and feet to the destruction of our Mother. For this, "His hand is stretched out, still." Our Father still has it in his mind to destroy us before we completely destroy what he created before us, intending for us a paradise that cannot be duplicated, and is beyond compare.

It is a sad thing that humans are such stubborn, prideful, arrogant beings. We could have had such a wonderful, such a miraculous and magical life here. We still could, if men would only listen to the thoughts our Father plants in their minds, instead of what Satan, the devil, drills into their heads. Far too soon, it will be too late; the destruction of even the good people of Earth will have begun. It will fall on both good and evil people; I believe that's because the good people stood by while the destruction of the planet was initiated, and have continued to let it happen, thinking there was nothing they could do. There has always been the option to reject the products that contribute to the destruction....all of those "modern conveniences."


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