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Welcome. Here you will find explanations of the Bible that  you have never considered.  Before you judge, apply just plain common sense to whatever seems impossible to accept as Truth.  That is all I seek to show you  : Truth that Leads to All Truth, for the Spirit of Truth has come, just as Jesus prophesied.

"True and False Prophets"

There is only one sure way to tell if a prophet speaks for God or the devil : Listen to the prophecy. If it doesn't happen, that wasn't God talking. If what the prophet spoke ever becomes the reality of life, that prophet spoke God's words. Notice I said "ever". God isn't on our time clock; it doesn't matter how long it takes for the prophecy to come true; if and when it ever comes true, that is the proof that God has spoken.

To speak God's words is to have the Spirit take over your tongue and use it to speak His words to the people. As He said, He has risen early, every morning, to send prophets to speak for Him, but not one man has listened. All have "turned the ear", which means "refused to listen, would not hear the voice of God speaking through a man or woman."

Isaiah and Jeremiah both described life in America. They aren't vague descriptions, not hard to figure out. They speak of evil, rebellious children who worship false gods, who sacrifice the lives of animals, saying the sacrifice is "to the Lord", yet they sit down and eat the flesh they have burned in the fire. Apparently, such people believe that God enjoys the aroma when humans slaughter His other children and cook their bodies. Time and again I have said it : Moses lied. Aaron lied. Ten simple rules we were given, and Moses only received them under duress; he was forced to obey the voice of the Lord, when he went up onto the mountain to receive the laws from God's own Hand. All of the laws Moses wrote after the ten were not from God. God never told us to kill anybody, ever. God never told us to kill any animals, nor did He ever sanction the eating of flesh. God never told us to take gold from Egypt. God never told us to possess land that other people already lived in by going to war against them and forcing them out. He told us to mingle with the people of the land. He never told us to hold ourselves apart from the people of a land where He directed us to go and settle.

There are many lies and misconceptions in the Bible, a lot of misdirection, a lot of words being shuffled as a deck of cards. The wonders of the Bible are many, one of which is that the Truth survived the publishing, and that it's not as hard to find and understand as you might think. You only have to be willing to be led through it, and the way to that leadership is as simple as a prayer offered with even a tiny amount of belief in the miraculous. Jesus called it the faith of a grain of mustard...a mustard seed is tiny. So you don't need much faith. Just a wee bit. If you really believe in Jesus, you have to do it His way, using the words He gave you, in the way He said to use them. In silence, which is the only "closet" we can count on to keep our prayer a secret between us and the Lord.

We don't have much time left to turn back to the true God of Israel, not the one modern day Jews rely on, but the God who has power to keep us safe. Face it, if modern Israel served the true Lord, the Holocaust would never have happened. God protects those children who serve Him, and those children have no need of material wealth. He provides for our needs, not our desires. If you follow Him, obey His commandments and turn away from the life of the world humans built by destroying what God made, He will keep you healthy and happy. That's what He told the prophets, and that is the only way humanity will survive. Keep in mind that at one time, only 8 humans survived the destruction of man's world. Earth remained. God destroys worlds, not planets.

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